Looking for a great corporate ski trip idea? Our corporate ski groups love biathlon. Find out more...
It’s the challenge of biathlon that our corporate ski groups in Chamonix love. Who doesn’t love firing a rifle and proving they’re the sharpest shooter in the team?
While we get great feedback on events for corporate ski trips, such as guided skiing, parapenting and skiddoos, we find groups love biathlon.
A complete test of mind and body
It’s a great activity for a corporate ski trip to Chamonix as it combines concentration (required for accurate shooting) with a physical challenge (cross-country skiing). It’s a complete test of mind and body.
Biathlon is a new challenge for everyone
Cross-country skiing is a great leveller. It doesn’t matter if someone is great on the piste, the technique is so different for cross country that it’s a new challenge entirely.
And physical prowess is only a part of the sport – unless you can shoot accurately under pressure, you’ll never win a biathlon event.
An Olympic sport
Even though the first ever Winter Olympic Games took place in Chamonix in 1924, biathlon only became an Olympic event in 1960 at Squaw Valley when it was introduced for men and in 1992 at Albertville for women.
The sport started in Norway, where the military combined skiing with tactics to train their winter battalions.
This was put into practice in the war between Russia and Finland in 1940 when the Finns used their Nordic skills to inflict major losses on the larger red army.
Biathlon for corporate groups
If your group would like to try biathlon as an event on your corporate ski trip then we will arrange instructors to introduce you to the sport in one of the three possible locations in the Chamonix valley.
In a specially reserved space, accompanied and guided by your specialist instructor, you will be introduced to the sport.
Shooting with ‘laser or lead’
You can learn the art of biathlon safely, either with a laser rifle, air rifle or .22 rifle. Typically, you will be shooting at targets from a distance of 50 metres.
Your introductory course will teach you all you need to know before your instructor organises a mini-competition combine your shooting and Nordic skills.
It’s an experience you’ll never forget and you that will provide you with plenty of conversation and chat in the bar later on and also when you’re back in the office, remembering your classic company ski trip!
How to book a corporate ski weekend
For more information on booking a biathlon experience for your corporate ski trip, then please contact the Ski Weekend team to discuss your requirements on 01392 878 353